Is your lifestyle destroying your liver?

 The liver, as you all know, is not only the second largest organ of the body after the skin but also the main organ for metabolism. Everything we eat goes to the liver before reaching anywhere else in the body. The liver stores excess energy as fat and condensed glucose called glycogen.

So whenever we overeat, energy is stored in the liver in the form of fat. If we continue to do this for months and years then fat starts to accumulate in the liver and its size gets bigger. There comes a point when the liver can no longer take it and begins to go through destruction.

What is a fatty liver?

Whenever the accumulation of fat in the liver exceeds 5% of the weight of the liver, it is known as the fatty liver. Although alcohol was considered a major cause of fatty liver in the last century, diet and lifestyle are now rapidly becoming a major cause of fatty liver. This disease is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. Once it starts destroying the liver it is called steatohepatitis or NASH.

Who is likely to have it?

Anyone overweight, obese, diabetic, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and triglycerides) can suffer. In Indians, the study found that they may suffer from fatty liver even if there are no risk factors mentioned. In India, all studies so far have shown that one out of every five people suffers from this disease. Even children are not immune to it and the pediatric population is on the rise.

Is there an adverse effect?

Fatty liver is becoming the biggest killer in the western world these days. It can cause cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice, vomiting of blood, bloody stools, fluid accumulation in the abdomen and legs, altered behavior, and even death. It is responsible for 15% of liver cancers. In addition, it is commonly associated with diseases of the heart, kidneys, thyroid, and joints.

How can we diagnose it?

60% of people have no symptoms and are not aware of it. Those who have symptoms also have symptoms like mild abdominal pain, fatigue, restlessness, weakness. These symptoms are often overlooked and people present directly with complications. There are simple tests to diagnose it. A simple ultrasound can tell you if you have the disease, but those who have it need a lot of blood tests, Fibroscan(advanced sonography), or a liver biopsy, where a piece of liver tissue can be removed to stage the disease and Plan treatment.

Can we treat it?

There is no specific shot treatment for this disease as the disease is long-lasting, the person needs to consult a gastroenterologist immediately. The drugs available are only 40% effective. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. The person needs to reduce calories and get expert dietitian opinion, strict exercise regime, control over diabetes and lipids, strict abstinence from alcohol and improve overall lifestyle.

How can we protect ourselves from this?

Because this disease has poor outcomes and lacks gradual treatment, the best way to protect yourself is through prevention and to change your lifestyle to achieve it. Junk food and soft drinks are high in sugar and a major cause in the western population. Alcohol can cause further harm and should be taken in moderation. One should walk at least 30 minutes a day and do strenuous exercise. Patients with diabetes should have their diabetes adequately controlled and those with thyroid and lipid abnormalities should be treated immediately. learn more Best liver specialist doctor in Ahmedabad


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